Art and Painting Conservation & Restoration Services in London
Condition reports
The first part of any studio work is a condition report, conveying the results of our initial analysis and assessment. The report is also an essential document to have before the transportation or loan of any artwork.
Dirt, grime and accretions (or Coca-Cola in the case of this picture above) build up over time and can lead to permanent staining. Cleaning is a delicate process, carried out after thorough testing and examination.
Varnish Removal
Varnish can discolour over time and the integrity of the painting suffers, as its palette, tone and spacial dimensions are corrupted. Careful cleaning removes these layers, revealing the work’s original splendour.
Tear mending
We employ a wide range of techniques and methods to restore torn or damaged works on canvas - from small nicks to significant rips and canvas distortions. This may involve adhesives, thread-by-thread joining, or lining the entire canvas to provide durable support.
Retouching, also known as in-painting, restores the visual integrity of an artwork that may present areas of loss or degradation. Paint is carefully matched to ensure a seamless regeneration of the original image, as the artist intended. All studio retouching is reversible.
Different layers of paint experience different stresses as they dry and age, resulting in paint cracking, flaking and being lost. Consolidation stabilises these layers to ensure the future integrity of the piece and make it safe for any further treatment procedures.